Dr. Sean Hsiang-Yu Yuan
Principal investigator
Assistant Professor Infectious Disease Modelling Group Department of Biomedical Sciences Centre for Applied One Health Research and Policy Advice City University of Hong Kong Email: [email protected] |
I am an Infectious Disease Epidemiologist and Modeller at CityU and a former member of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London. My research interests focus on applying mathematical modelling, statistical analysis and machine learning methods to better understand the mechanisms of control and evolution of infectious diseases. My research involves mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, quantitative analysis of the interaction between the host immune system and pathogens, and genetic/genomic studies of human disease susceptibility. In addition, we have developed software tools to explain the complex dynamics of infectious diseases caused by rapidly evolving viruses (e.g., influenza) and database systems that link genetic polymorphisms to disease susceptibility.
I received my PhD in Computational Biology & Bioinformatics from Duke University in 2013 with my dissertation on modelling influenza viruses binding avidity change and it's impacts on disease transmission and antigenic drift. After receiving my PhD, I moved to London to start my first postdoctoral research at the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Diseases Analysis.
Imperial College London on how herd immunity and age structures in a population could affect influenza outbreak. The goal was to develop a new tool to predict the incidences of seasonal influenza using population serological data to improve public health. In 2017, I returned to Taiwan to study how to use extreme weather data to forecast Dengue incidence at the National Institute for Research Health. At City University of Hong Kong, my research focuses on mathematical modeling of infectious disease transmission and biological systems.