Liang, Jingbo
She is a PhD student supervised by Dr. YUAN. She received the B.S. degree in Biostatistics from Southern Medical University in 2015, and the MSc degrees in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2017. Her work focuses specifically on the transmission patterns of infectious disease and modeling the impact of vaccinations and other infectious disease control interventions in order to promote evidence-based public health decision-making
- Liang J, Yuan H-Y. Assessing the impact of temperature and humidity exposures during early infection stages on case-fatality of COVID-19: A modelling study in Europe. Environmental Research. 2022 Aug;211. 112931.
- Liang J, Yuan H-Y, Wu L, Pfeiffer DU. Estimating effects of intervention measures on COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan taking account of improving diagnostic capabilities using a modelling approach. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2021;21. 424.
- Chong KC, Liang J, Jia KM, Kobayashi N, Wang MH, Wei L et al. Latitudes mediate the association between influenza activity and meteorological factors: A nationwide modelling analysis in 45 Japanese prefectures from 2000 to 2018. Science of the Total Environment. 2020 Feb 10;703. 134727.
- Yuan H-Y, Liang J, Lin P-S, Sucipto K, Tsegaye MM, Wen T-H et al. The effects of seasonal climate variability on dengue annual incidence in Hong Kong: A modelling study. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1). 4297.